Is Soraka bot?

Your job as Soraka is to be a heal bot. Mikael’s Crucible, Redemption, and Ardent Censer all use Forbidden Idols in their builds, which help you amp up your heals. These three items are important and you can build all three, but you should optimize based on your carry.

Who goes well with Soraka bot?

Let us take a look at 5 of the best ADC champions that you can pair with Soraka….

  • Tristana.
  • Vayne.
  • Ashe.
  • Samira.
  • Jhin.

Is Soraka good lol?

If you think about it, Soraka is one of the most overpowered supports of League of Legends. She can heal her entire team up in seconds and can even help people across the map with her ultimate. There is nothing more you could ask for from a support champion. The champion itself is perfect.

Is Soraka easy to climb with?

Soraka – Highly Approachable and Always Beneficial Her abilities are straightforward and easy to master. She requires very little mechanical skill of the player.

Is Soraka easy to play?

Soraka – Highly Approachable and Always Beneficial Her abilities are straightforward and easy to master. She requires very little mechanical skill of the player. That is to say, you don’t need hundreds of games spent with her as you do to master very complex champions like Thresh or Yasuo.

What Lane is Soraka?

A top lane Soraka will also allow your ADC or mid laner to survive much longer in teamfights, while also denying enemy champions dive potential. During early to mid-game, there are multiple dives happening over the map.

How do you get kills with Soraka?

How to Play Against Soraka

  1. Don’t pick Assassins into her. If the enemy picks up Soraka before you get to choose your champion, do not pick an Assassin like Zed, Leblanc, or Talon into her.
  2. Invest in Grievous Wounds.
  3. Set up ambushes to kill her in the late game.
  4. Try to have a lot of CC.

How much should Soraka heal?

Who is the real premier healer of League of Legends?

Champion Average Total Heal Sample Size
Soraka 22179 3789
Warwick 15335 1288
Sion 14328 3476
Fiddlesticks 14262 4985

Who is the easiest support LoL?

Here are 5 of the easiest Supports to learn in League of Legends

  • Janna.
  • Leona.
  • Soraka.
  • Sona.
  • Nautilus.