What are the 5 categories of complaints?

Different Kinds of Customer Complaints: 5 Complainer Personality Types (and How to Deal with Them)

  • The Meek Complainer Personality Type.
  • The Aggressive Complainer Personality Type.
  • The High-Roller Complainer Personality Type.
  • The Rip-Off Complainer Personality Type.
  • The Chronic Complainer Personality Type.

How are complaint rates calculated?

The complaint rate is a rate which shows how often your subscribers complain to mailbox providers about receiving your email. Mailbox providers calculate complaint rates by dividing the number of complaints by the number of messages delivered to your subscribers’ inboxes.

What is an acceptable complaint rate?

An email complaint lower than 0.1% (1 complaint for every 1,000 emails sent) is considered to be acceptable – and industry standard.

What are different types of complaint?

10 Types Of Customer Complaints

  • 1) Public Multi-Media Complaint :
  • 2) Serial Complaint :
  • 3) First-time complaint :
  • 4) Good Customer Complaint :
  • 5) Personnel Complaint :
  • 6) Product Specific Complaint :
  • 7) Wait – Times Complaint :
  • 8) Complaints because of misunderstanding :

What is complaint ratio?

Percentage of complaints registered by clients of the reporting organization relative to the number of clients during the reporting period.

How do you calculate ppm for a complaint?

The complaint is only counted once. How does that definition compare to yours? For example, 180 complaints per year from the customers / 72,000 parts produced per year = 2500 ppm.

How do you calculate complaints per thousand customers?

Grievances Received per 1,000 Enrollees Insert the number of grievances received per 1,000 enrollees for each quarter. This number is calculated by multiplying the total number of grievances (line 5) by 1,000 and dividing by the average number of enrollees in each quarterly column.

What is an acceptable spam rate?

What’s an acceptable spam complaint rate? Industry best practices tell us that a SPAM rate at or below . 1% (one tenth of one percent) is acceptable. If we put that into real numbers, out of a list of 100,000 recipients, 100 or fewer of them can mark the message as SPAM.

What are the four most common types of customer complaints?

What types of situations cause customers to complain?

  1. Multiple calls to resolve a situation. A customer doesn’t want to deal with customer service at all — they just want to enjoy their product unencumbered.
  2. Excessive wait times.
  3. Product or service not available.
  4. Poor follow-up.

How much of a percentage of complaints should a company have?

For example – say you currently have 10%, last year you had 12% and the year before you had 15%. For next year, decide as a company you are going to make efforts to reduce your complaints by 2%.

What is the value of a complaint?

A complaint is never welcome but when they come (and they will) they offer us clear, direct and unambigious data on how were are performing. They can be early warning alarms letting us know of problems that may be developing and otherwise hidden from our view. So Complaints are all about management.

Is 100 complaints per million a good rating?

For example, complaints per million is a quantative measure of performance (which is ok) but does not reflect the nature of the complaints. 100 complaints per million may be fine if they all relate to ‘I dont like the colour of your packaging’.

What are the different types of complaints?

Assign categories for complaints – high, medium, low or critical, non critical. For example foreign body, illness reported type complaints are serious so you should always investigate. A developing trend should alway be investigated. 6. Record investigation and corrective actions.