What counters Braum support?

The Best Braum Counter Picks in League of Legends for patch 12.8, Ranked Boost recommends these picks due to their win condition and abilities.

  • Sion. The Undead Juggernaut.
  • The Starchild.
  • C. The Storm’s Fury.

Does NAMI counter Braum?

Nami wins against Braum 56.89% of the time which is 6.34% higher against Braum than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Nami wins against Braum 5.59% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Nami build & runes against Braum.

Does Lulu counter Braum?

Lulu wins against Braum 53.88% of the time which is 2.66% higher against Braum than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Lulu wins against Braum 1.75% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Lulu build & runes against Braum.

Does Morgana counter Braum?

Morgana wins against Braum 54.51% of the time which is 4.38% higher against Braum than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Morgana wins against Braum 4.39% more often than would be expected.

Is Braum good with Jinx?

Braum is a fantastic support to have when playing Jinx.

What Supp goes well with Jinx?

Nami. Nami is easily the enchanter support with the most potential in the bot lane.

  • Blitz. Blitz has a very dominating presence in the bot lane.
  • Braum. Braum is a fantastic support to have when playing Jinx.
  • Thresh.
  • Janna.
  • Yuumi.
  • Leona.
  • Who has good synergy with Caitlyn?

    7 Best Supports for Caitlyn

    • Morgana. Caitlyn and Morgana are probably the most powerful combo you can run in the bot lane.
    • Thresh. Players often say that Thresh is the perfect support for every ADC in League of Legends.
    • Blitzcrank.
    • Lulu.
    • Senna.
    • Lux.
    • Leona.