What do Vortigaunts call advisors?

The Combine Advisors, also known as “Shu’ulathoi” by the Vortigaunts, are the masterminds behind the Combine occupation of Earth and the main antagonists of the entire Half-Life series.

Who is the Combine leader?


The Combine
Political information
Type Cross-universe/dimensional empire
Head of Government Advisors (on Earth, true ruler(s) currently unknown) Wallace Breen (on Earth)
Subclasses Overwatch

What happens at the end of Half-Life 2 Episode 2?

At the end of Episode Two, Freeman, Alyx and Eli experience a temporary victory, closing a portal that traps the Combine aliens on Earth and giving humanity a last shot at freedom.

What are stalkers half-life?

Stalkers are humans who have been drastically altered, both physically and mentally, through extreme, brutal surgery by the Combine. They are servants, mindlessly operating Combine machinery, and guarding the core in the Citadel. Though they serve the Combine, Stalkers play the role of neutral antagonists.

Is G-Man a Shu Ulathoi?

This actually makes G-Man infinitely more confusing. And for one thing, definitely rules out theories of him being a mature Shu’ulathoi or whatever. G-Man being singular implies that he isn’t a member of any species, and indeed implies that he’s not even a life-form.

Why do the combine wear masks?

Civil Protection is the Combine’s law enforcement agency on Earth, consisting of humans who have agreed to work on behalf of the Combine. Also referred to as metrocops, Civil Protection units wear light armor and gas masks, which heavily resemble a somewhat modified Soviet PMG mask.

How old is Alyx in HL2?

commercial. Alyx is the titular playable protagonist of the 2020 virtual reality game Half-Life: Alyx developed by Valve. The game follows a 19-year-old Alyx’s story in City 17 five years before the events of Half-Life 2.

Are Combine gunships alive?

are combine gunships living or mechanical? Both, all Combine “creatures” (soldiers, gunships, hunters etc) are synthetics created by fusing technology with flesh. They’re not organic anymore, but they’re not robots either, they’re somewhere in the middle, though still more machine then living being.

What happened to Breen?

Breen’s fate remains unknown in Half-Life 2: Episode One. His only appearances in the game are during an apparent flashback or dream at the beginning, with Breen repeating a sentence from Half-Life 2 on a falling Combine monitor, asking Gordon what exactly he has created.

Where is the advisor in Half Life 2 Episode 2?

Half-Life 2: Episode Two The Barn Advisor in the Episode Two trailer. When Alyx and Gordon are driving to White Forest with their newly found Muscle Car, they spot smoke on the ridge next to a barn, where they discover a crashed Advisor Pod. They come to the conclusion that an Advisor is in the area.

What are the achievements in Half Life 2 Episode 2?

Half-Life 2: Episode Two achievement guide 1. To The White Forest. Steal a Zombine’s grenade. Upon crawling through a hole in a tunnel you will turn right and come… 2. This Vortal Coil. As soon as you get back to the Vortigaunt healing Alyx you are asked to help fend off an Antlion… 3. Freeman

Where is the barn advisor in the Walking Dead Episode 2?

The Barn Advisor in the Episode Two trailer. When Alyx and Gordon are driving to White Forest with their newly found Muscle Car, they spot smoke on the ridge next to a barn, where they discover a crashed Advisor Pod. They come to the conclusion that an Advisor is in the area.