What does Heteroxenous mean?

Definition of heteroxenous : infesting more than one kind of host especially : requiring at least two kinds of host to complete the life cycle —used of various parasites (as the malaria parasites or the liver flukes)

What are heteroxenous parasites?

a parasite that has more than one obligatory host in its life cycle.

What is monoxenous parasites?

Monoxenous development, or monoxeny, characterizes a parasite whose development is restricted to a single host species.

What is monoxenous life cycle?

The life cycle of Eimeria is considered monoxenous, meaning that the cycle occurs in one host. The three stages of its life cycle include oocyst, sporozoite, and merozoite. The oocyst stage can be seen in Figure 1. This stage is mostly powered by the mannitol cycle that Eimeria use as metabolism.

What is an Paratenic host?

A “paratenic host” was defined by Baer in his text Ecology of Animal Parasites in 1951 as “An optional intermediate host is one which the larvae usually enters passively, along with ingested food. The larvae are able to survive for considerable time without the new environment affecting in any way their ontogeny.

What are Endoparasites and its different types?

Endoparasites are parasites that live in the tissues and organs of their hosts, such as tapeworms, flukes, and protozoans of vertebrates.

What is Prepatent infection?

Medical Definition of prepatent period : the period between infection with a parasite and the demonstration of the parasite in the body especially as determined by the recovery of an infective form (as oocysts or eggs) from the blood or feces.

What is the difference between monoxenous and Heteroxenous parasites?

Reviewed experimental data suggest that heteroxenous parasites manipulate their host mainly through impaired defense behavior, e.g., impairing shoaling in fish. Alternatively, monoxenous parasites facilitate shoaling, which is beneficial for both parasites and hosts.

What are examples of Endoparasite?

Endoparasite: Worms such as roundworms, tapeworms, and trematodes and protozoans such as Plasmodium and Amoeba are endoparasites.

What is the purpose of Paratenic?

Abstract. Paratenic hosts, especially of nematodes, play a major role in spreading many parasite species.

What is a heteroxenous parasite?

In parasitology, heteroxeny, or heteroxenous development, is a synonymous term that characterizes a parasite whose development involves several hosts. Gymnosporangium (Cedar-apple rust): the juniper is the primary ( telial) host and the apple, pear or hawthorn is the secondary ( aecial) host.

What does heteroxeny stand for?

Heteroxeny, or heteroxenous development, characterizes a parasite whose development involves several host species. Heteroxeny has been used as the basis for splitting genera.

What is heterosexism?

Heterosexism is a form of bias or discrimination in favor of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships. It may include an assumption that everyone is heterosexual and may involve various kinds of discrimination against gays, lesbians, bisexuals, asexuals, heteroflexible people, or transgender or non-binary individuals.

What is a heterogeneous condition?

A genetic or allelic heterogeneous condition is one where the same disease or condition can be caused, or contributed to, by varying different genes or alleles. In clinical trials and statistics the concepts of homogeneous and heterogeneous populations is important.