What does lifespan mean in psychology?

Life-span psychology aims to identify and illuminate normal developmental changes in all areas of psychological functioning, including but not limited to personality, from birth until death.

What is lifespan theory?

Heckhausen and Schulz (Heckhausen and Schulz 1995, Schulz and Heckhausen 1996) have developed the lifespan theory of control which proposes that the desire to exert control over ones environment and thus realize primary control rules the system of control behavior.

What are the 5 lifespan perspectives?

The Lifespan Perspective. Figure 1. Baltes’ lifespan perspective emphasizes that development is lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, contextual, and multidisciplinary. Think of ways your own development fits in with each of these concepts as you read about the terms in more detail.

Why do psychologists study whole lifespan?

The study of developmental psychology is essential to understanding how humans learn, mature and adapt. Throughout their lives, humans go through various stages of development. Developmental psychologists study how people grow, develop and adapt at different life stages.

Is lifespan psychology the same as developmental psychology?

developmental psychology, also called Life-span Psychology, the branch of psychology concerned with the changes in cognitive, motivational, psychophysiological, and social functioning that occur throughout the human life span.

What do you learn in lifespan psychology?

As described by the American Psychological Association, human lifespan development studies how humans learn, mature, and adapt from infancy to adulthood to elderly phases of life. Some areas of focus include physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality, and emotional growth.

What are the life span stages?

Infancy and Toddlerhood (birth through two years) Early Childhood (3 to 5 years) Middle Childhood (6 to 11 years) Adolescence (12 years to adulthood)

Why is lifespan important?

Life expectancy at birth measures health status across all age groups. Shifts in life expectancy are often used to describe trends in mortality. Being able to predict how populations will age has enormous implications for the planning and provision of services and support.

What is life span perspective in psychology?


  • What Is Social Psychology?
  • Self-presentation
  • Attitudes and Persuasion
  • Conformity,Compliance,and Obedience
  • Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Aggression
  • Prosocial Behavior
  • Why is Lifespan Psychology important?

    Lifespan Theories of Cognitive Development. A central theme in lifespan psychology concerns the malleability,and especially optimization,of psychological functioning and behavior throughout all phases of life.

  • Lifespan Development,Theory of.
  • Differential Aging.
  • Historical Change and Human Development.
  • Personality Development in Adulthood
  • What is lifespan development psychology?

    Lifespan developmental psychology or lifespan psychology deals with the study of individual development (ontogenesis) as it extends across the entire life course. Influenced by evolutionary perspectives, neofunctionalism, and contextualism, lifespan psychology defines development as selective age-related change in adaptive capacity (Baltes 1997 ).

    What are the theories of Lifespan Development?

    – Psychosocial Theory of Development. Erik Erikson (1902–1994) ( Figure 9.4 ), another stage theorist, took Freud’s theory and modified it as psychosocial theory. – Cognitive Theory of Development. – SOCIOCULTURAL THEORY OF DEVELOPMENT. – Moral Theory Of Development.