What is considered a mascal in the army?

A MASCAL is a mass casualty incident where the number of wounded casualties exceeds the capabilities of a medical facility.

What are the three types of patient evacuation army?

What are the three types of patient evacuation army? There will be a difference in the way that the casualty is transported based on the level of care you are in: Care Under Fire, Tactical Field Care, or Tactical Evacuation Care.

How do you call a 9 line medevac?

In short, a 9 line call go’s in this format:

  1. Line 1: Location of pick-up site.
  2. Line 2: Radio frequency.
  3. Line 3: # of Patients by precedence.
  4. Line 4: Equipment.
  5. Line 5: Total # of patients.
  6. Line 6: Security at pick-up site.
  7. Line 7: Method of marking pick-up location.
  8. Line 8: Patient nationality.

What are the four major aspects of medevac?


  • Urgent. 1A. Urgent Surgical.
  • Priority.
  • Routine.
  • Convenience.

What is the meaning of mascal?


Acronym Definition
MASCAL Mass Casualty

What are the triage categories?

Triage categories

  • Immediate category. These casualties require immediate life-saving treatment.
  • Urgent category. These casualties require significant intervention as soon as possible.
  • Delayed category. These patients will require medical intervention, but not with any urgency.
  • Expectant category.

What is a 5 line military?

The five paragraphs can be remembered with the acronym SMEAC: “S” Situation, “M” Mission, “E” Execution, “A” Administration/Logistics, “C” Command/Signal. There are a number of subtypes of these field orders, based on knowledge patterns specific to individual military branches.

What is the fourth line of a Casevac 9 line?

Step 4: Contact MEDEVAC channel- while rending the scene safe is important, getting the MEDEVAC out is also extremely important. MEDEVAC units will have varied response times but giving them notification of the situation as soon as possible will help reduce their time to station.

Why is it called Nine Line?

In the military, a Nine Line is a medevac request for a soldier that is injured on the battlefield. To soldiers, a Nine Line symbolizes patriotism, hope, and trust in one’s countrymen.

What is medevac Army?

Medical evacuation, often termed MEDEVAC or medivac, is the timely and efficient movement and en route care provided by medical personnel to the wounded being evacuated to receiving medical facilities using medically equipped ground vehicles (ambulances) or aircraft (air ambulances).

What are the UMT operations during Mascal?

UMT Operations during MASCAL The use of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE). The threat level and security of the MASCAL site. After the initial assessment of the MASCAL situation the UMT should request for additional support identified in the Religious Support Plan.

What do you need to know about the Mascal situation?

The use of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE). The threat level and security of the MASCAL site. After the initial assessment of the MASCAL situation the UMT should request for additional support identified in the Religious Support Plan.

What is a Mascal site?

Location where casualties are staged and triaged for evacuation to the MTFs Ambulance Exchange Point: Locations where casualties are exchanged from one evacuation platform to another. Understanding the MASCAL environment Unit SOP’s will dictate the Layout of the MASCAL site.

What is the role of the chaplain in a Mascal assessment?

The Chaplain takes the lead on the initial assessment for religious support. The Religious Affairs Specialist then moves ahead of the Chaplain to determine where the Chaplain should be next. In order to provide the most comprehensive religious support in the MASCAL environment the UMT must conduct a spiritual triage.