What is db2top?

What is db2top? db2top is a “real-time” tool for seeing what is currently going on within a db2top instance or database. I put real-time in quotes, because technically it is a couple of seconds (depending on how you invoke it) behind real time, and it can also be used in a number of ways.

What is DB2 top?

The db2top tool is a monitoring tool that comes packaged with every copy of DB2 for Linux and Unix as of version 9.1 FP6, version 9.5 FP2, and version 9.7 (Linux Power PC as of version 9.7 FP3). If you have any one of these versions of DB2, there is nothing you need to download to get access to db2top.

What is fetch in Db2?

The fetch-clause sets a maximum number of rows that can be retrieved. It specifies that an application does not want to retrieve more than fetch-row-count rows, regardless of how many rows there might be in the intermediate result table when this clause is not specified.

What is cursor in Db2?

Db2 has a mechanism called a cursor . Using a cursor is like keeping your finger on a particular line of text on a printed page. In Db2, an application program uses a cursor to point to one or more rows in a set of rows that are retrieved from a table.

What is db2pd DB2?

The db2pd command is a powerful tool for monitoring and administering DB2 Linux, UNIX and Windows databases and instances. You can use this tool to keep track of transactions, table spaces, table statistics, dynamic SQL, configuration settings and much, much more.

What is null indicator in Cobol Db2?

The null indicator is used by DB2 to track whether its associated column is null or not. A positive value or a value of 0 means the column is not null and any actual value stored in the column is valid.

How many types of cursors are there in Db2?

There are two types of Scrollable cursors depending upon their sensitivity with other application updates.

Why do we need cursor in Db2?

In Db2, an application program uses a cursor to point to one or more rows in a set of rows that are retrieved from a table. You can also use a cursor to retrieve rows from a result set that is returned by a stored procedure. Your application program can use a cursor to retrieve rows from a table.

How can I check my hadr status?

From the primary database or a standby database, issue the db2pd command with the -hadr parameter and check the HADR_STATE field: If you issue the command from the primary database, the command returns a set of data for each standby in your HADR setup.

Who is DBA role of DBA?

A Database Administrator (DBA) is individual or person responsible for controlling, maintenance, coordinating, and operation of database management system. Managing, securing, and taking care of database system is prime responsibility.

How does db2top work?

By combining snapshot information from each database partition, a dynamic real-time view of a running DB2® system is provided. db2top can be run in interactive mode or in batch mode. Instance. A connection is not required in replay or client mode.

Where can I find the db2toprc file?

A file called .db2toprc will be generated in the home directory of the current user. If you need to specify a different location, you can use the environment variable DB2TOPRC to specify the location to look for the .db2toprc file.

What is the-b parameter in the db2top command?

When using the -b parameter, the db2top command displays information in CSV format. db2top can be run in background mode in combination with reading snapshot data from a collection file using the -f file parameter. Issuing multiple sub-options for background mode (-b) is not supported. The -b parameter takes one of the following sub-option values:

How do I run db2top in background mode?

Runs db2top in background mode. When using the -b parameter, the db2top command displays information in CSV format. db2top can be run in background mode in combination with reading snapshot data from a collection file using the -f file parameter. Issuing multiple sub-options for background mode (-b) is not supported.