What is Panofsky iconology?

Panofsky 1955 (cited under General Overviews) defines “iconography” as the study of subject matter in the visual arts and “iconology” as an attempt to analyze the significance of that subject matter within the culture that produced it.

What is the purpose of iconology?

Iconology is a method of interpretation in cultural history and the history of the visual arts used by Aby Warburg, Erwin Panofsky and their followers that uncovers the cultural, social, and historical background of themes and subjects in the visual arts.

What is the meaning of the word iconology?

Definition of iconology : the study of icons or artistic symbolism.

What is iconographic analysis?

In iconographic analyses, art historians look at the icons or symbols in a work to discover the work’s original meaning or intent. To accomplish this kind of analysis, they need to be familiar with the culture and people that produced the work.

Who invented iconology?

A German art historian named Erwin Panofsky popularized the iconographic method in the 1930s (largely using medieval and renaissance art of western Europe, such as his famous essay about Jan van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait), and he described three steps: Pre-iconographic (primary or natural subject matter)

What are iconographic images?

Iconography is the use of images and symbols to portray a subject, movement or ideal. It can also be the use of certain symbols that convey specific genres such as religious iconography, iconography in art and iconography in film and television.

What is Erwin Panofsky’s iconological method?

Erwin Panofsky’s Iconological Method. On the first level, when we first look at an image, we look to extract factual and expressive information. Panofsky calls this level the ‘Primary’ or ‘Natural’ level. He calls this the “what you see is what you get” stage. We do not need any particular insight to figure out what is happening in the image.

Who is Erwin Panofsky?

Erwin Panofsky (1892-1968) was a German-Jewish art historian, who’s works on iconography marks a high point for the modern academic study of not just conventional art but, intellectual history in general. Born in Hanover, Germany, Panofsky spent the majority of his academic life in the United States, due to the rise of the Nazi regime.

What are the levels of analysis according to Erwin Panofsky?

According to Erwin Panofsky there are three levels of analysing an image. Erwin Panofsky’s Iconological Method. On the first level, when we first look at an image, we look to extract factual and expressive information. Panofsky calls this level the ‘Primary’ or ‘Natural’ level. He calls this the “what you see is what you get” stage.

Where did Joseph Panofsky’s iconography go?

When Panofsky became part of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University (called “The Institute” by those in the know) in 1933, his iconographical system found a permanent home .