What is the function of Gemmule?

Gemmules are internal buds found in sponges and are involved in asexual reproduction. It is an asexually reproduced mass of cells, that is capable of developing into a new organism i.e., an adult sponge.

What is Gemmule formation?

An asexually produced mass of cells, which are capable of developing into a new organism or into an adult freshwater sponge is termed as a Gemmule. They are small bud-like cells, which are formed by sponges to withstand unfavourable environmental conditions.

What is Gemmule give an example?

Gemmules are internal buds found in sponges and are involved in asexual reproduction. e.g. Spongilla . These are formed during unfavourable conditions and help in perennation and dispersal.

What is a Gemmule in zoology?

gemmule. / (ˈdʒɛmjuːl) / noun. zoology a cell or mass of cells produced asexually by sponges and developing into a new individual; bud.

What is a Gemmule quizlet?

gemmules. a tough-coated dormant cluster of embryonic cells produced by a freshwater sponge for development in more favorable conditions.

Is Gemmule haploid or diploid?

Meiosis takes place during sexual reproduction in the formation of gametes. Some Gemmules and conidia are asexual structures, hence, meiosis does not take place. Megaspores are haploid and are formed after meiosis in the megaspore mother cell. In many algae, meiosis takes place in the zygote to produce haploid spores.

What is the osculum in a sponge?

The osculum (plural “oscula”) is an excretory structure in the living sponge, a large opening to the outside through which the current of water exits after passing through the spongocoel. Wastes diffuse into the water and the water is pumped through the osculum carrying away with it the sponge’s wastes.

What are the three functions of the Archaeocyte?

Archaeocytes (or amoebocytes) have many functions; they are totipotent cells that can transform into sclerocytes, spongocytes, or collencytes. They also have a role in nutrient transport and sexual reproduction.

What are porocytes and their functions?

structure of sponge …contains flattened granular cells called porocytes because they contain the pores needed to allow water into the sponge. The porocytes can contract, thus closing the pores during unfavourable environmental conditions.

Does meiosis occur in Gemmule?

Some Gemmules and conidia are asexual structures, hence, meiosis does not take place. Megaspores are haploid and are formed after meiosis in the megaspore mother cell.