What is Vmax unit?

The Vmax unit is moles/min, moles/sec, µmoles/min, or µmoles/sec. Vmax depends upon the amount or the concentration of the enzyme as well as the structure of the enzyme.

What is a high Km value?

The value of KM is inversely related to the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate. High values of KM correspond to low enzyme affinity for substrate (it takes more substrate to get to Vmax ). Low KM values for an enzyme correspond to high affinity for substrate.

What is Vmax value?

The maximal velocity of the reaction (or maximal rate) Vmax is the rate attained when the enzyme sites are saturated with substrate, i.e. when the substrate concentration is much higher than the KM. Examples: Q8W1X2, Q9V2Z6. The Vmax value depends on environmental conditions, such as pH, temperature and ionic strength.

What does high km mean?

low affinity
An enzyme with a high Km has a low affinity for its substrate, and requires a greater concentration of substrate to achieve Vmax.”

Why is turnover number important?

Peptide, Protein and Enzyme Design Native enzymes often exhibit turnover numbers in the order of thousands while most synthetic small-molecule models exhibit turnover numbers less than 10. Thus, turnover number is an important parameter to evaluate the efficiency of designed proteins.

What is TOF activity?

TOF is a measures of specific activity of a catalytic center of a given catalyst by the number of molecular reactions or catalytic cycles occurring at the centre per unit time. In other word, it is a number of revolutions of the catalytic cycle per unit. time.

Is a high Km good?

That’s sort of how enzymes work. The less substrate they need to reach half of their maximum speed, the more efficient they are. So if the Km is low, you have a really efficient enzyme. If the Km is high, the enzyme is much less efficient.