What is your life coaching philosophy?

Your coaching philosophy is the set of values, beliefs and principles that guide your coaching. These values and principles drive your approach and behaviour in both coaching and life. Everyone has these values, and they drive behaviour.

What are some examples of coaching philosophy?

I consider building the character of the person just as important as developing the skills of the player. I will teach my players through my words and actions the values of respect, resilience, empathy, teamwork and sportsmanship that will benefit them long after their youth soccer days are over.

How do you write a life coaching philosophy?

A step-by-step example of a pathway to developing a coaching philosophy is below.

  1. Identify your values. List three or more specific values.
  2. Develop a personal belief system by developing actions for each value.
  3. Build a mission statement from the answers to the second part on the path.

How do I create my own philosophy?


  1. Start with around 25 words. If it feels right at the length, okay.
  2. Write it down and read it repeatedly. Does it sound right?
  3. If one of your most intimate relationships heard your personal philosophy, would they agree with what you’ve written?
  4. Ask yourself why.

What makes Bill Belichick a good leader?

Belichick understands his players are human as well. They have personal lives with things that happen, both good or bad. Any leader would do well to remember this. Hard work and dedication to one’s job is important, but sometimes personal events can supersede.

What are the five communication skills important for coaching?

Here are five that are especially important.

  • Listening. The most important communication skill for leaders is the ability to listen.
  • Complimenting. People work for more than pay; they want to be noticed and praised for their work.
  • Delegating Tasks Clearly.
  • Managing Meetings.
  • Positive Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication.

How do you communicate your coaching philosophy to your students?

Coach and Athlete Communication Basics

  1. Listen. Listen!
  2. Build Trust. It’s important for coaches to build trust with their athletes from the moment they step into the gym or on the field.
  3. Understand Who You’re Coaching.
  4. Focus On Getting Better, Rather Than Being Good.
  5. Communicate Your Values.

How would you describe your coaching style?

Coaching + Style = Coaching Style If you put coaching and style together you get a definition of coaching style: a person’s unique way of working with another individual to help him or her improve performance and reach his or her potential.

What is your life philosophy example?

My philosophy on life is that you should live while you are alive and you should give others that same privilege. We shouldn’t judge people for the choices they make, because we all make bad decisions. You should do what you want with your life, as long as it makes you happy and causes no harm to others.

Why is it important to have a philosophy of life coaching?

Having a philosophy gives a coach clear guidance on the objectives that should be pursued and how to achieve them. While adhering to values, a coach can make consistent decisions and broader life coaching questions by sticking with their philosophy.

How long should a coaching philosophy statement be?

A coaching philosophy will usually be a couple of sentences. Some people are able to capture their philosophy in a couple of words; other people have philosophy statements that run into several paragraphs.

What holds a coach back from their philosophy and power?

Here are a few examples of what a coach might unintentionally be committed to that hold them back from their philosophy and power as a coach (Lasley, Kellogg, Michaels, & Brown, 2015). To be an effective coach, one must step into the shoes of someone whose focus is not on the self.

3 Examples of Coaching Philosophies. 1 1. Sports coaching. When you say the word ‘coach’ to most people, an image of someone with a clipboard and a whistle often comes to mind. Though 2 2. Executive/Business coaching. 3 3. Health coaching.