What kinds of physiological problems can poliomyelitis cause for patients?

The most common symptoms include:

  • fatigue.
  • decreased strength and muscle endurance.
  • pain.
  • sleep problems.
  • breathing, swallowing or speech difficulties.
  • a range of physical symptoms such as scoliosis or joint problems.

What is the pathology of post-polio syndrome?

Post-polio syndrome occurs at least 10 years after a person has been stricken by polio. It is characterized by gradual deterioration of muscle function and increased weakness that usually occurs in the limbs that were most severely affected by polio.

What are the serious sequelae complications caused by polio and how common are they?

Post-polio syndrome is rarely life-threatening, but severe muscle weakness can lead to complications:

  • Falls. Weakness in your leg muscles makes it easier for you to lose your balance and fall.
  • Fatigue.
  • Pain.
  • Malnutrition, dehydration and pneumonia.
  • Chronic respiratory failure.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Sleep disorders.

How does post-polio syndrome affect the brain?

Autopsies in some polio patients have found damage to the brainstem and motor cortex as well as to spinal motor neurons. Alternatively, polio may have spared the motor cortex, but the cortex reorganized in different ways to compensate for the loss of spinal motor neurons.

Should post polio patients exercise?

If you have Post Polio Syndrome (PPS), it’s vital to exercise moderately every second day to keep the muscles we have and avoid obesity, diabetes, stroke and heart disease. Exercise also helps us accomplish more of those activities of daily living and can improve how we feel.

How is poliomyelitis most commonly spread?

How does polio spread? Polio is usually spread via the fecal-oral route (i.e., the virus is transmitted from the stool of an infected person to the mouth of another person from con- taminated hands or such objects as eating utensils). Some cases may be spread directly via an oral to oral route.

How is post-polio syndrome diagnosed?

There’s no specific test to diagnose post-polio syndrome. Diagnosis is based on a medical history and physical exam, and exclusion of other conditions that could cause the signs and symptoms.

What is the treatment for post-polio syndrome?

There’s no one treatment for the various signs and symptoms of post-polio syndrome. The goal of treatment is to manage your symptoms and help make you as comfortable and independent as possible.

Does post-polio syndrome affect the immune system?

An intrathecal immune response against poliovirus is present in many patients with the post-polio syndrome. In some of these patients the recrudescence of muscle weakness may be caused by persistent or recurrent infection of neural cells with the poliovirus.

Can post-polio syndrome cause depression?

Depression is common in people who have post-polio syndrome, as with many long-term illnesses. But it may be hard to recognize, because symptoms of fatigue, low energy, and sleep problems can occur with both conditions. If you think you may be depressed, talk to your doctor.