How does quantitative and qualitative research complement each other?

The argument of the paper is that the complementary use of qualitative and quantitative approaches provides a greater range of insights and perspectives and permits triangulation or the confirmation of findings by different methods, which improves the overall validity of results, and makes the study of greater use to …

Why do Interpretivists prefer qualitative data?

Surveys are unlikely to be completed honestly, and offer little scope for respondents to reveal unexpected truths about themselves. For this reason interpretivists prefer qualitative methods. Unstructured interviews and participant observation allow more genuine two-way interaction to take place.

What is the purpose of triangulation?

Triangulation facilitates validation of data through cross verification from more than two sources. It tests the consistency of findings obtained through different instruments and increases the chance to control, or at least assess, some of the threats or multiple causes influencing our results.

What are the advantages of giving qualitative observations?

  • 1 Captures the Essence of the Research Setting. Qualitative observational methods allow the researcher to capture the overt and subtle factors of the research setting.
  • 2 Allows the Researcher to Witness Human Dynamics.
  • 3 Allows Researchers to Detect Developing Themes or Patterns of Behavior.
  • 4 Defines Why.

What is a positivist approach?

As a philosophy, positivism adheres to the view that only “factual” knowledge gained through observation (the senses), including measurement, is trustworthy. In positivism studies the role of the researcher is limited to data collection and interpretation in an objective way.

Why do Interpretivists prefer unstructured interviews?

Interpretivists argue that research should focus on the respondent’s view of the world through the use of unstructured interviews (sometimes known as ‘guided conversations’). They provide more opportunity for respondents to say what they want rather than what the interviewer expects.

Why is qualitative research better?

Here are some of the main benefits: Qualitative techniques give you a unique depth of understanding which is difficult to gain from a closed question survey. Respondents are able to freely disclose their experiences, thoughts and feelings without constraint.

What type of data do Interpretivists prefer?

Positivism and Interpretivism are the two basic approaches to research methods in Sociology. Positivist prefer scientific quantitative methods, while Interpretivists prefer humanistic qualitative methods.

Do Interpretivists like qualitative data?

When studying society, Positivists like to collect quantitative, objective data using surveys, structured interviews and official statistics. Interpretivists on the other hand, value qualitative data, which they prefer to collect through unstructured interviews, participant observation and documents.

What are the benefits of using mixed method research?

Mixed methods are especially useful in understanding contradictions between quantitative results and qualitative findings. Reflects participants’ point of view. Mixed methods give a voice to study participants and ensure that study findings are grounded in participants’ experiences. Fosters scholarly interaction.

What is the disadvantage of qualitative research?

The qualitative research process does not provide statistical representation. It will only provide research data from perspectives only. Responses with this form of research cannot usually be measured. Only comparisons are possible, and that tends to create data duplication over time.