How is voiding dysfunction diagnosed?

The urologist will most likely take a history of your child’s voiding patterns and may ask you to create a voiding diary. This is perhaps the most important component of correctly diagnosing a dysfunctional voiding pattern. This is usually followed by a thorough physical examination, urinalysis and urine culture.

What labs show urinary retention?

A health care professional may use urinary tract imaging tests such as an ultrasound, VCUG, MRI, or CT scan to find out what’s causing your urinary retention.

What causes voiding dysfunction in children?

Possible physical and anatomical causes for voiding dysfunction are: An abnormality in urinary tract anatomy, such as vesicoureteral reflux. Spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and other brain or spinal cord conditions that influence the way nerves interact with the bladder or urinary tract.

What are the symptoms of voiding?

Voiding symptoms, which are caused by lower urinary tract obstruction, include slow stream, splitting or spraying, intermittency, hesitancy, straining, and terminal dribble.

What causes voiding dysfunction?

A voiding dysfunction is typically caused by over-active pelvic floor muscles. Other possible causes include nerve problems affecting the way bladder muscles contract and blockages within the tube that takes urine out of the body (urethra).

How would you assess a patient who you suspected had urinary retention?

A focused physical examination, including a neurologic evaluation, should be performed in patients with suspected urinary retention, and diagnostic testing should include measurement of postvoid residual urine volume.

Which diagnostic test has the highest sensitivity for detecting renal calculi?

The sensitivity of CT for detecting kidney stones is the highest of all the available modalities and reasonable estimates suggest it is ~95%12.

How do you treat voiding dysfunction?

A timed voiding schedule is an important part of bladder retraining. Biofeedback and Kegel exercises (pelvic floor relaxation and contraction) can also effectively help manage dysfunctional voiding. The physician may also be prescribed medicine that helps the bladder relax.

What causes hesitancy in urination?

Urinary hesitancy has many potential causes, including bladder obstructions, an enlarged prostate, and complications related to childbirth. If a person consistently experiences urinary hesitancy, they should contact a doctor. The inability to pass urine at all is called urinary retention and is a medical emergency.