How long will Meeko wait?

Meeko will regularly sit and wait by his former master’s bedside, but occasionally will run around in the nearby forest. If he isn’t present when you arrive, just use the wait system for an hour or two, and he should show back up. Talk to Meeko, and he’ll happily accept you as his new human friend.

What happens if you tell a stray dog to go home Skyrim?

The stray will follow you but if you tell it to go home then it returns to where you found it. If you want to keep the dog but don’t want it to go with you then make sure it’s in your home and tell it to wait here.

Can you get Meeko back?

If dismissed, Meeko will return to Meeko’s Shack, even if the Dragonborn has purchased a home. With the addition of Hearthfire, it is possible to make Meeko a pet. This requires the Dragonborn to have adopted at least one child and to return to the house where their children are with Meeko as an active follower.

What should I do with Meeko?

Meeko is a secondary follower and can thus follow you in addition to a primary follower. He can also become a house pet with the Hearthfire add-on by asking him to follow you and then showing him to one of your children. If dismissed or left waiting for more than two days, Meeko will return to his shack.

Does Meeko Respawn?

Can you send Meeko to your house?

With the addition of Hearthfire, it is possible to make Meeko a pet. This requires the Dragonborn to have adopted at least one child and to return to the house where their children are with Meeko as an active follower. Meeko will level with the Dragonborn up to level 25, where he will have 250 health.

How do I get my child to adopt Meeko?

You need to have a Children’s Room, as well as if you want some from Honorhall Orphanage, you have to complete “Innocence Lost.” In addition, you need to make sure Hearthfire is installed. DragonGirl2571 wrote: I think adopting Meeko (or any dog follower) is a random ‘event’.

How do you get the dog Meeko?

Meeko is a follower, and looks like all other dogs. Recruiting him is achieved by walking up to Meeko then running after him back to Meeko’s Shack, where he will look at his dead owner. If dismissed, Meeko will return to Meeko’s Shack, even if the Dragonborn has purchased a home.

Where can I find Meeko’s dog in Fortnite?

Meeko is a dog that can be located by the road to the south of Meeko’s Shack in Hjaalmarch.

Where can I find Meeko?

Do you like this video? Meeko is a dog that can be located by the road to the south of Meeko’s Shack in Hjaalmarch. Meeko is a follower, and looks like all other dogs.

How do I get Meeko to come with Me?

Talk to Meeko and ask him, “Do you want to come with me boy?” From this point on, he will obey the commands “Come with me” or “Wait here.” He will then travel with you on your adventures; he also fights enemies and is quite strong.