What are circles in restorative practices?

A circle is a versatile restorative practice that can be used proactively, to develop relationships and build community or reactively, to respond to wrongdoing, conflicts and problems. Circles give people an opportunity to speak and listen to one another in an atmosphere of safety, decorum and equality.

What are the types of restorative practices?

Popular examples of restorative processes include affective statements, community-building circles, small impromptu conferencing, and setting classroom agreements or norms. In the Restorative Justice community, it can take three to five years to implement restorative practices within a school site.

How do you host a restorative conversation?

What are the important elements to have in a restorative conversation? Send a strong message of care to the student. Give the student an opportunity to say “what happened”/give the student a voice. Communicate to the student how it made you feel.

What is a restorative classroom?

The Restorative Classrooms and Schools Process consists of weekly classroom circles combining group activities that teach core skills and concepts with immediate application of what is being learned to the real-world issues affecting participating students, teachers, parent volunteers, and the classroom community.

Is Circle justice a real thing?

Circle justice is a Native American form of justice originating in Canada that tries to avoid simple punishments i.e. you yelled and ruined a teachers lesson so go to the principal!

How do you conduct a restorative circle?

The general format most people use goes: offender, victim, victim’s supporter, and offender’s supporter. As a circle facilitator, ask each person a set of restorative questions and listen to their response. Once everyone has responded to the restorative questions, transition into a more open model of discussion.

Do restorative circles work?

According to the NEPC brief, research shows that restorative justice programs have helped reduce exclusionary discipline and narrow the glaring racial disparities in how discipline is meted out in schools. The evidence is a bit more mixed or inconclusive on two other fronts: school climate and student development.

What is another name for restorative?

In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for restorative, like: analeptic, health, healing, medicinal, therapeutic, stimulating, corrective, curable, remedy, tonic and curative.

What are restorative circles?

Restorative Circles helps communities, organisations and government develop their own processes for supporting those in conflict. Commonly these bring together the three parties to a conflict – those who have acted, those directly impacted and the wider community – within an intentional systemic context, to dialogue as equals.

What are the 5 restorative questions?

Restorative Questions When responding to conflict, a restorative approach consists in asking the following key questions: Restorative Questions 1. From your perspective, what happened? 2. What were you thinking and feeling at the time? 3. What have you thought about or felt since then? 4. Who has been affected by what happened and how? 5.

What do we mean by restorative approaches to discipline?

We value restorative approaches to discipline rather than punishments that so often disconnect students from the classroom, from their education, and ultimately from themselves.

How do you implement Talking Circles in the classroom?

There are countless ways to implement talking circles. Each morning you might conduct a mindfulness circle, priming the students for positivity before they start the day, or maybe, you conclude each day with a reflective circle, discussing the ups and downs as a way to assess how your students are doing.