What are the 3 cubed roots of 27?

It is the real solution of the equation x3 = 27. The cube root of 27 is expressed as ∛27 in radical form and as (27)⅓ or (27)0.33 in the exponent form….Cube root of 27 in radical form: ∛27.

1. What is the Cube Root of 27?
4. FAQs on Cube Root of 27

What is the cube root of root 27?

Cube Root of Numbers

Number (n) Cube Root of a Number (∛n)
27 3
64 4
125 5
216 6

What is the perfect cube of 27?

List of Perfect Cubes 1 to 50

Number (x) Multiplied Three times by itself Cubes (x3)
24 24× 24× 24 13824
25 25× 25× 25 15625
26 26× 26× 26 17576
27 27× 27× 27 19683

Is 3 root 27 a rational number?

the cube root of 27 is a rational no.

What are the 3 cube roots of?

The value of the cube root of 3 is equal to 1.44224957031. Cube root of 3 in radical form is represented as 3√3 and in exponential form as 31/3. Since 3 is not a perfect cube, therefore it is a little difficult to find its cube root….How to find Cube root of 3?

Number (x) Cube of Number (x3)
3 3×3×3 = 27
4 4×4×4 = 64
5 5×5×5 = 125
6 6×6×6 = 216

Why is 27 a cube number?

A cube number is the result when a number has been multiplied by itself twice. The symbol for cubed is 3. For example, 8 is a cube number because it’s 2 x 2 x 2 (2 multiplied by itself twice); this is also written as 23 (“two cubed”). Another example of a cube number is 27 because it’s 33 (3 x 3 x 3, or “three cubed”).

What is square root of 27 simplified?

Simplified Radical Form of Square Root of 27 Prime factorization of 27 is 3 × 3 × 3. Therefore, √27 can be simplified further as √3 × 3 × 3 =3√3.

What does the term 3 cubed mean?

three multiplied by itself three times
An easy way to write 3 cubed is 33. This means three multiplied by itself three times. The easiest way to do this calculation is to do the first multiplication (3×3) and then to multiply your answer by the same number you started with; 3 x 3 x 3 = 9 x 3 = 27.

What is the 3rd cubed number?

Learning Cube Numbers

0 Cubed = 0
3 Cubed = 27
4 Cubed = 64
5 Cubed = 125
6 Cubed = 216