What does NBN Co do?

NBN Co Limited, known as simply nbn, is a publicly-owned corporation of the Australian Government, tasked to design, build and operate Australia’s National Broadband Network as the nation’s wholesale broadband provider.

How do I speak to someone at nbn?

Internet relay users by internet-relay go to nrschat.nrscall.gov.au and enter 1800 687 626, and • Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask for the nbn Contact Centre on 1800 687 626.

Is nbn part of Telstra?

Telstra is a retail service provider in respect of services on the nbn network. We do not own the nbn network; we re-sell services to our customers, like the other retailer service providers who also offer broadband services on the nbn network.

Why is my nbn not working?

Turn off power to the nbn™ connection box and contact your phone and internet provider. Alternating red/blue There may be a line fault, such as an off-hook telephone. Disconnect all non-compatible devices from telephone wall sockets. If that doesn’t work, contact your phone and internet provider.

Is the NBN box a modem?

As an NBN modem, the NBN connection box needs power to operate, plus it also needs an Ethernet connection to a router or modem-router (in ‘bridge’ mode, aka ‘router’ mode) to share the NBN connection with devices around your home.

Is NBN same as internet?

The main difference between home wireless and NBN is that home wireless uses mainly 4G and 3G mobile signals to get you web surfing, whereas the NBN uses fixed line connections, which travel directly to your home from nodes across the country. Other differences include costs and plan structure.

Does NBN have phone customers?

NBN Co’s tips for protecting against scammers Remember NBN Co will never call and ask to access your computer or advise that you’re going to be disconnected. NBN Co is a wholesaler, which means it does not sell phone or internet services directly to the public.

Where is the NBN call Centre?

Melbourne’s CBD
NBN Co has contracted Australian telecommunications service provider, Service Stream, to operate its public contact centre in Melbourne’s CBD.

Do you have to pay for NBN?

The NBN is installed at your house free of any charges, although you will have to pay for the ongoing use of the NBN through an internet provider. For this, you can pay anywhere between $30 per month all the way up to $150 per month, with data allowances, speeds and extras varying greatly across the price points.

How do they connect NBN to your house?

A full-fibre connection requires an ‘NBN utility box’ to be fixed to the outside of your premises, and an ‘NBN connection box’ installed inside your premises that your computer, router and phone will be connected to. Customers are also offered an optional back-up battery box for inside the premises.

What lights should be on on my nbn box?

Power – Solid green. Optical – Solid or flashing green. Alarm – Solid green. Uni-D – Off, amber, or green.

What is Telstra’s NBN?

What is the nbn? The nbn is Australia’s national broadband network. It’s replacing copper wires and cable broadband with optical fibre and other technologies to deliver more reliable, high-capacity internet to your home. Why Telstra? Understanding the nbn network.

What happens if my Telstra modem is not compatible with the NBN?

If you are moving to the nbn we will check your Telstra modem and if it’s compatible we’ll send you an nbn Conversion kit with easy-to-follow instructions. If it’s not compatible, we’ll send you a new Telstra Smart Modem.

What is the NBN and how does it work?

The nbn is Australia’s national broadband network. It’s replacing copper wires and cable broadband with optical fibre and other technologies to deliver more reliable, high-capacity internet to your home. Why Telstra? Understanding the nbn network. How is nbn different to ADSL and Cable?

How do I know if the NBN is available in my area?

You can find out if the nbn is available in your area and which technology type you will get by using the nbn address checker. You can also use our live nbn rollout map to see where the nbn network rollout is in relation to your street and suburb. Once you know your connection type, you can choose your nbn plan.