How much does it cost to get to Sanibel Island?

The closest major airport to Sanibel Island is RSW- Southwest International Airport, which is 25 miles or 40 minutes away. We used this airport on a past trip to Fort Myers while using our Southwest Airlines Companion Pass.

What is the best time of day to go to Sanibel Island?

2 answers. You want to get on the island before 10am and off before 3 in the afternoon. From personal experience and other reviews I’ve read, the time of year doesn’t matter that much, except of course during the winter months/holidays…

What is the best month to go to Sanibel Island?

From December-April, Sanibel has the best weather the entire year with cooler days and less rain, when compared to the summer months. Unfortunately, this is also the most expensive time of year to visit. But with a little pre-planning, you can save on flights and accommodation.

How long is the bridge from Fort Myers to Sanibel Island?

3 Miles

Sanibel Causeway
Total length 3 Miles
Width 40 Feet
Clearance below 70 feet (Bridge A) 26 feet (Bridge C)[conversion?]

Do any celebrities live on Sanibel Island?

Retired NBC weather star Williard Scott lives on Sanibel Island, not far from him is Aerosmith rocker Joe Perry. And, of course there’s Governor Rick Scott’s beachfront mansion in Naples.

Are there shark attacks in Sanibel?

On Sanibel and Captiva, there have only been eight documented incidents between humans and sharks on Sanibel, none of which were fatal. In half of those instances, the shark was stepped on or bumped into accidentally. On Captiva, there has never been a documented shark incident.

Is Sanibel worth visiting?

The Beaches Are Inviting On Sanibel Island, the beaches are the main attraction. With so many beautiful beaches to choose from, you can visit a different one every day. Many of the beaches have amenities, are handicap accessible, and are inexpensive to park at.

What famous person lives in Sanibel Island?