How do you use yet in a sentence?

Yet sentence example

  1. It was early, yet we were all ready for bed after our long hike.
  2. He would often say the exact opposite of what he had said on a previous occasion, yet both would be right.
  3. Why, I have not yet had time to settle down!
  4. I haven’t seen that movie yet , so don’t tell me how it ends!

How do you make questions with yet?

Yet (in this context) is only used in negative sentences and questions. Have you finished your homework yet? I haven’t finished it yet. I’ll do it after dinner.

Can you start a question with yet?

It’s a valid argument, of course. But as there is no actual rule that says you can’t put yet at the beginning of a sentence, go ahead and use it. Putting conjunctions such as yet at the start of a sentence is acceptable, as long as you use it correctly.

Can yet be used in interrogative sentence?

We use yet in a negative or interrogative clause, usually with perfective aspect (especially in British English), to show that something has not happened by a particular time.

What is yet and example?

Yet means at this time, up to now or at a future time. An example of yet is someone not getting to take a walk before dark, such as “It is dark but he has not taken his walk yet.” An example of yet is someone possibly getting to take a walk after dark, such as “He might yet get to take his walk after dark.”

Is there a comma after yet?

“Yet” as an adverb fits seamlessly into a sentence, and there is no reason to separate from the rest of the sentence using a comma. The only exception is “yet again,” specifically when we decide to bring it at the beginning of a sentence.

Can we use yet with present simple?

We also use yet in simple, present tense questions, but not in positive statements: Are you hungry yet? Is the doctor here yet? I am hungry yet.

Do you use comma after yet?

Is yet followed by a comma?

Should I use a comma before “yet”? Yet can be used to start a contrasting element in a sentence, e.g. She was sad, yet relieved. When yet is used to set off a contrasting element of a sentence then it should have a comma before it, just like with not.