What are seizure precautions nursing?

Precautions include keeping oxygen and suction available at the bedside. If the patient has a known seizure history, continue prescribed anti-seizure medication. Emergent care of a seizing patient focuses on safety. Place the patient on his side to prevent aspiration.

What are seizures precautions?

Stay safe at home

  • Replace glass in doors, windows, showers, and other spaces with safety glass or plastic.
  • Keep interior doors unlocked.
  • Take showers instead of baths.
  • Don’t use electrical appliances near water.
  • Use caution with hot items, which could burn you in the case of a seizure.

What are the nursing responsibilities when caring for a child with seizures?

Have an oral airway, oxygen, and suction readily available. Keep his bed in a low position with the side rails up. Consider padding them. If he has a seizure, stay with him to protect him from injury and observe seizure activity.

What should you do when a baby has a seizure?

If your child has a febrile seizure, stay calm and:

  1. Gently place your child on the floor or the ground.
  2. Remove any nearby objects.
  3. Place your child on his or her side to prevent choking.
  4. Loosen any clothing around the head and neck.
  5. Watch for signs of breathing problems, including bluish color in the face.

What are seizure precautions in hospitals?

The seizure pads are used to prevent the person from injuring themselves against the metal bars of the hospital bed. In most cases, hospital staff will be trained to avoid holding the person down and putting anything in their mouth in order to prevent choking. In case of aspiration, a suction is placed at the bedside.

Do you apply oxygen during a seizure?

Administer oxygen via non-rebreather mask at 12-15 liters per minute to any patient who is actively seizing or is postictal, regardless of their pulse-ox reading, to help with the increased metabolic demands of the brain for oxygen [4].

What are the precautions after seizure?

Take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water. Wear protective clothing (elbow or knee pads, helmet, protective eyeglasses or goggles) whenever possible. Avoid busy streets when bike riding; ride on bike paths or side streets. Always wear a medical ID bracelet or necklace, or carry a medical ID card.

What precautions should be taken after seizure?

After the seizure, if the person is having trouble breathing or they need to sleep, take them out of the chair and put them in the recovery position. If their breathing difficulties continue, call an ambulance and closely monitor the person. Be prepared to perform CPR if they stop breathing.

Do you suction during a seizure?

First responders do not need to routinely suction the airways of people having seizures, even if the seizure is especially protracted. Instead, use bag-valve ventilation for hypoventilation, and place the patient in a comfortable position that protects the airway.

What is the safest position for an infant to sleep?

Health care providers should encourage parents to do the following to reduce the risk of SIDS: Always place your baby on his or her back to sleep—for naps and at night. The back sleep position is the safest, and every sleep time counts.