What is the best time to plant onions in Kenya?

The best times to plant onions is during the short rains. The short rains usually last from October to December. After this period, they are usually harvested in January and February when the weather is hot. During the harvesting period, the costs of onions are relatively low.

How many months do onions take to mature?

Onions are cool-season crops that require 90 days or more to reach maturity. Because of this long growing season requirement and their preference for cooler weather, planting onion seeds directly into the garden in the spring makes it difficult for the bulbs to reach a good size before warm temperatures arrive.

How long do onions take to grow in Kenya?

3 to 4 months
Major types of onions farmed in Kenya are bulb onions and spring onions. The best areas suited for farming being Karatina, Oloitoktok, Naivasha, Kieni, Emali and Mai Mahiu. Bulb onions take 3 to 4 months to reach maturity. Short rains are great for bulb onions since they can be harvested between January and February.

Which is the best onion variety in Kenya?

Major types of onions farmed in Kenya are bulb onions and spring onions. The best areas suited for farming being Karatina, Oloitoktok, Naivasha, Kieni, Emali and Mai Mahiu.

Which fertilizer is best for onion?

Onions require a high source of nitrogen. A nitrogen-based fertilizer (ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate) should be applied at the rate of one cup per twenty feet of row. The first application should be about three weeks after planting and then continue with applications every 2 to 3 weeks.

How many times should I water my onion in a day?

Ideal onion water needs are to irrigate to a depth of an inch (2.5 cm.) once a week rather than a light sprinkling each day. If you are watering onions with a hose or sprinkler, water in the morning rather than during the heat of the day, which will just end up being evaporated.

How do you fertilize onions?

How much is 1kg of onions in Kenya?

KES 107.83 per kg
Kenya onions wholesale price The price in Kenyan Shilling is KES 107.83 per kg.

How long does onions take to mature in Kenya?

Major types of onions farmed in Kenya are bulb onions and spring onions. The best areas suited for farming being Karatina, Oloitoktok, Naivasha, Kieni, Emali and Mai Mahiu. Bulb onions take 3 to 4 months to reach maturity.

What do you need to know about onion farming in Kenya?

A few things to know about onion farming in Kenya would include price, market availability and variety to plant. A hectare of red creole onions would ideally produce 17 tons.

What is the best type of irrigation for onions?

The best type of irrigation on onions is drip irrigation. Overhead irrigation should be avoided as it causes fungal diseases. Diseases: Common diseases that affect onions include Downy Mildew, Bacterial Soft Rots, Pink/White Root, Botrytis, and Rusts.

How do you know when onions are ready to harvest?

Bulb onions are ready for harvesting once they form a shiny membranous cover around the bulbs or when the foliage withers. Spring onions are ready for harvesting when they are 15 centimeters tall and 1.5 centimeters thick. Harvesting is done by pulling the bulbs and then chopping off the leaves.

How long does it take bulb onions to grow?

Bulb onions take 3 to 4 months to reach maturity. Short rains are great for bulb onions since they can be harvested between January and February. Local farmers are able to benefit during this time period, since there is low supply of onions from Tanzania at this time of the year.