What type of rock is contact?

The surrounding rock may be “baked” through contact metamorphism, resulting in non-foliated metamorphic rocks. Rocks that were originally limestone, quartz sandstone, and shale become marble, quartzite, and hornfels, respectively.

How do you identify contact metamorphic rocks?

Contact metamorphism does not involve directed pressure that deforms or squashes the rocks, so contact metamorphic rocks don’t usually have foliated textures like textures found in regionally metamorphosed rocks. The non-foliated appearance of rocks like marble and quartzite are often described as granular or sugary.

Is Contact a metamorphic?

Contact metamorphism is a type of metamorphism that occurs adjacent to intrusive igneous rocks due to temperature increases resulting from hot magma intrusion into the rock.

Where do contact metamorphic rocks form?

Contact metamorphism occurs due to heating, with or without burial, of rocks that lie close to a magma intrusion. It is characterized by low P/T gradients, as strong thermal gradients between an intruding magma and adjacent country rock are best established at shallow crustal levels.

What is contact and regional metamorphism?

Contact metamorphism is a type of metamorphism where rock minerals and texture are changed, mainly by heat, due to contact with magma. Regional metamorphism is a type of metamorphism where rock minerals and texture are changed by heat and pressure over a wide area or region.

Is slate a contact metamorphic rock?

As already noted, slate is formed from the low-grade metamorphism of shale, and has microscopic clay and mica crystals that have grown perpendicular to the stress. Slate tends to break into flat sheets.

What minerals form from contact metamorphism?

These include garnet, epidote (another silicate), magnetite, pyroxene, and a variety of copper and other minerals (Figure 7.5. 4). This type of metamorphism is known as skarn , and again, some important types of mineral deposits can form this way.

What is the difference between metamorphic and contact metamorphism?

Definition. Contact metamorphism is the formation of a metamorphic rock due to the contact of magma while regional metamorphism is a type of metamorphism where the formation of a metamorphic rock occurs in a wide area.

Is marble a contact metamorphic rock?

Contact metamorphism produces non-foliated (rocks without any cleavage) rocks such as marble, quartzite, and hornfels. In the diagram above magma has pushed its way into layers of limestone, quartz sandstone and shale.

Is marble a regional or contact?


Type Metamorphic Rock
Metamorphic Type Regional or Contact
Metamorphic Grade Variable
Parent Rock Limestone or Dolostone
Metamorphic Environment Variable grade regional or contact metamorphism along a convergent plate boundary

How does contact metamorphism change rocks?

Metamorphic rocks form when heat and pressure transform an existing rock into a new rock. Contact metamorphism occurs when hot magma transforms rock that it contacts. Regional metamorphism transforms large areas of existing rocks under the tremendous heat and pressure created by tectonic forces.

What causes contact metamorphism?

Contact metamorphism occurs to solid rock next to an igneous intrusion and is caused by the heat from the nearby body of magma. Because contact metamorphism is not caused by changes in pressure or by differential stress, contact metamorphic rocks do not become foliated. How does contact metamorphism compare to regional metamorphism?

What are facts about metamorphic rocks?

Marble and slate are examples of metamorphic rock.

  • Anthracite is a shiny,hard,black coal that burns with a smokeless blue flame.
  • Metamorphic rock can originate not only as igneous and sedimentary rock but also other types of metamorphic rock.
  • The Taj Mahal in India is made entirely of different types of marble,a metamorphic rock.
  • What is the difference between regional and contact metamorphism?

    The main difference between contact and regional metamorphism is that contact metamorphism occurs in a small region, whereas regional metamorphism occurs in a wide area. In geology, metamorphism is the formation of metamorphic rocks. There are two major ways of forming a metamorphic rock: contact metamorphism and regional metamorphism.

    What is an example of contact metamorphism?

    Contact metamorphism occurs when magma intrudes or forces its way into existing rock. An example of contact metamorphism is the metamorphic rock marble. Marble is created from limestone that has been subjected to heat. Regional metamorphism by contrast takes place over large areas and is high-grade metamorphism.